About FESI

1- General Enquiries

We welcome your query and suggestions, and encourage you to contact us using the forms below.

  Adress : University Pole of Ouled Fares, 02180, Chlef, Algeria
  Phone/Fax : +213 27 72 70 17
 E-Mail : fesi.uhbc@gmail.com
  Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/fsei.uhbc

2-  Faculty Directory

Name Position Email  Phone / FAX
Mounir Tahar Abbes Dean m.taharabbes@univ-chlef.dz  +213 27 72 70 17
Mohamed ARIDJ Assistant Dean In Charge of Studies and Students Affairs m.aridj@univ-chlef.dz +213 27 72 70 14
Madani HADIDI Assistant Dean In Charge of Post-Graduation, Scientific Research and External relations hedidi.m@gmail.com +213 27 72 70 09
Noureddine HACINI Head of the Department of common core in exact sciences and informatics hacini2009@yahoo.fr +213 27 72 93 71
Mohammed MEDANI
Head of the Department of physics physique_fsei@univ-chlef.dz +213 27 72 70 11 
Head of the Department of Chemistry a.sardi@univ-chlef.dz +213 27 72 70 13
Khaled BOUDJEMAA DJEFAL Head of the Department of Mathematics depmath02@gmail.com  +213 27 72 70 12 
 Chahreddine Medjahed Head of the Department of Informatics c.medjahed@univ-chlef.dz +213 27 72 91 99
BOUTHIBA Mohamed Head of the Library hboutiba@yahoo.Fr +213 27 72 70 25


3 –  Staff Directory

Name Position Email  Phone / FAX
ATTOUI Mohamed General secretary m.attoui@univ-chlef.dz  +213 27 72 70 16
BERRABHA Karima Head of Service of the Personal
kberrabha247@gmail.com /
BERKANI Ali Head of Service of the Budget and Accounting
berkaniali55@gmail.com /
MEKNOUT Omar Head of Service of Scientific, Cultural and Sports Animation
/ +213 27 72 70 10
CHERKI Halima Head of Service of Education, Evaluation and Traineeship
halima.stages@gmail.com /
NAAMOUNE Mebarka Head of  Service of Statistics, Information and Orientation the Personal Service naamoune28meba@gmail.com /
AMMOUR Houria Head of Service of Means and Maintenance houriaammour03@gmail.com +213 27 72 70 08
BOUNOUA Abed Head of Office of Internal Security / /

4- Location : 

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