تلقينا ببالغ الحزن والأسى نبأ وفاة فقيدنا الغالي « الأستاذ بوكرش التوفيق »، رئيس قسم الإعلام الآلي بكلية العلوم الدقيقة والإعلام الآلي ، بعد مرض ألم به. علي اثر هذا المصاب الجلل يتقدم الدكتور بوجمعة عبد العالي عميد الكلية أصالة عن نفسه ونيابة عن أساتذة الكلية وموظفيها وطلبتها بأحر التعازي القلبية إلى عائلة الفقيد واهله و محبيه، متضرعا إلى المولى تبارك وتعالى أن يتغمد المرحوم بواسع رحمته ويلهم عائلته وذويه الصبر والسلوان… إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون. اللهم ...
Lire la suite...News
The Minister’s speech on the occasion of the 58th anniversary of Independence Day
Link: https://youtu.be/Eed9wsgf1wI
Lire la suite...Dean’s congratulations on the occasion of Aïd al-Fitr
On the occasion of the Aid al-Fitr, the Dean of the Faculty of the Exact Sciences and Informatics, Dr. Abdelaali Boudjemaa, presents his warmest congratulations to the teaching staff and employees as well as dear students, praying Allah the Great and Almighty to repeat this occasion every year in good and blessing for our Country, our Faculty, and our University. May Allah ...
Lire la suite...Announcement – Scientific Club of Physics
My Thesis in 180 Seconds
More information on: http://mt180.univ-guelma.dz/index.php/en/
Lire la suite...9th national olympiads in theoretical physics
Algerian – Spanish advance notice (ALGESIP – 2020)
The third Algerian-Spanish Advertising (ALGESIP) for R&D projects will be launched from April 01 to June 01 2020. All details are in the documents below: Advance notice ALGESIP file
Lire la suite...Call for PRIMA projects
The General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development knows that a preliminary version of the announcement of PRIMA 2020 projects has been launched on the PRIMA website: Orientation-Paper-calls-2020 The calendar published in this document is outdated and no longer useful. The proposed new calendar will be as follows (to be confirmed): Section 1: Call publication and opening: 05/02/2020 Submission ...
Lire la suite...Algerian strategic plan for research and innovation in energy security 2020 – 2030
Reminder For Application “TAMAYOUZ”
A reminder of the announcement of the nomination of research laboratories « TAMAYOUZ »:
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