• The organization of the third cycle training of the LMD system is determined by Order No. 345 of 17 October 2012.

  • The duration of doctoral preparation is set at three (03) consecutive years. A derogation, from one to two additional years, may exceptionally be granted by the head of school on the proposal of the scientific council, and after a reasoned opinion of the director applicant and the CFD.

    Access to the training is open, by competitive examination, to candidates holding a master, or an equivalent recognized foreign diploma.

  • The contest is national, it is organized by the establishment authorized in two stages:

              – Study of the candidate’s file.

              – Written tests.

  • The successful candidate must, upon registration, choose a thesis subject proposed by a director and submit for validation to the administrative services and authorized scientific bodies.

  • The doctorate includes useful trainings such as conferences, doctoral workshops and seminars, and doctoral students are required to submit presentations every six months.

  • The doctoral thesis must be the subject of at least (01) a publication in a scientific journal; it is sanctioned by the defense before a jury composed of four (04) to (06) six members (professor or master of conference A) of which one two members are external to the establishment.

  • The admission or the adjournment of the candidate is decided at the end of the defense, in case of success, the doctoral student assumes the title of “doctor” with the mention “honorable” or “very honorable”.

  • References texts :

  • Executive Decree no. 08-265 of 19-08-2008 (Fr – Ar) for studies leading to a degree, a master ‘s degree and a doctorate degree.

  • Order No. 191 of 16 July 2012 setting the organization of postgraduate training for the purpose of obtaining a doctorate

  • Order No. 345 of 17 October 2012 amending and supplementing Order No. 191 of 16 July 2012 establishing the organization of postgraduate training for the purpose of obtaining a doctorate.

    Phds open at Hassiba Benbouali University in Chlef :

  • Order No. 361 of July 19, 2012

  • Order No. 617 of October 02, 2011

  • Order No. 618 of July 28, 2010