Filing Sessions :

Pursuant to the ministerial decree N ° 521 of 05 September 2013 setting the terms and conditions for the implementation of the provisions relating to university habilitation, two sessions for submitting applications are set in January and September respectively during the year university.

  • Conditions :

The candidate for university habilitation must be:

Teacher researcher or permanent researcher, in a position of permanent activity in his practice establishment.

Holder in the grade

Filing dates :

  • From january 15th to 31st

  • From September 15th to 30th

Application file :

  • For the research teacher, the application file for a university authorization must include the following documents:

1 .Handwritten request

2 .Copy of the decision of tenure in the grade

3 .Certificate of recent function

4 .Copy of university degrees obtained

5 .Copy of the doctoral thesis

6 .Curriculum vitae retracing the different stages of the applicant’s career

7 .Documents pertaining to all the work of the applicant for university habilitation, including:

  • A scientific article and / or publication published in a recognized scientific journal with a reading committee, produced after the PhD defense

  • The educational production produced (books, handouts, online courses …) is justified by at least one handout.

  • Other scientific articles, if any, published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

    Scientific communications in scientific conferences and symposia, if any, accompanied by a certificate of participation.

  • Scientific books if any.

  • Patents, if any.

  • A synthesis of five (5) to ten (1 0) pages highlighting all scientific and educational work.

  • For the permanent researcher the application file for a university authorization must include the following documents:

1 .Handwritten request

2 .Copy of the decision of tenure in the grade

3 .Certificate of recent function

4 .Copy of university degrees obtained

5 .Copy of the doctoral thesis

6 .Curriculum vitae retracing the different stages of the applicant’s career

7 .Documents pertaining to all the work of the applicant for university habilitation, including:


  • An article and or scientific publication published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, produced after the PhD defense.

  • Scientific research and technological development activities supported by annual reports validated by the Scientific Council.

  • Other scientific articles, if any, published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

  • Scientific communications in scientific conferences and symposia, if any, accompanied by a certificate of participation.

  • Scientific books if any.

    Patents, if any.

  • A synthesis of five (5) to ten (10) pages highlighting all scientific work.

  • The file filing operation :