La Directrice du Laboratoire: Dr. Leila Kara Mostefa-Boussena
Chers collègues,
Tous les membres du comité d’organisation souhaitent vous remercier chaleureusement pour votre participation à notre colloque international ‘L’évaluation et l’Innovation dans l’Enseignement des Langues Étrangères : l’Assurance d’un Enseignement de Qualité’, organisé par le laboratoire TICELET en collaboration avec le CEIL de l’université Hassiba Ben Bouali de Chlef, le 28/29/2018. Nous avons été heureux de vous accueillir parmi nous et espérons que le colloque était à la hauteur de vos attentes.
Nous tenons à remercier tout particulièrement nos conférenciers qui se sont déplacé malgré un emploi du temps très chargé. Merci pour leur contribution riche et éclairée.
Pr. Hacene Hamada de l’ENS de Constantine, Université 3
Pr. Lakhdar Kharchi, Université de Msila
Pr. Driss Merjane de l’Université USMBA de Fés, Maroc
Dr. Bejaoui Nabila de l’université de Biskra
Dear Participants
The Organizing Committee thanks all who contributed to making the 1st seminar on innovation and quality assurance organised by TICELET research laboratory of Hassiba Ben Bouali University, 28/29/ November 2018 a great success. The primary goals of this conference were to stimulate interactions between teachers and researchers from various geographic places and draw their attention to the benefits and purposes of quality assurance in higher education. During the plenary sessions,
- Pr. Hacene Hamade shared with us his long experience in action research in teacher training
- We learnt from Pr. Lakhdar Kharchi how the New Technologies can be used to enhance quality teaching into higher education
- Leila Kara Mostefa-Boussena highlighted reflective practices and self-evaluation as a first step towards quality assurance
- Nabila Bedjaoui put the stress on ‘Investing on people’ before Technology to assure quality in teaching
- Aili Redouane as a member of (QA) Quality assurance office gave an overview of the purposes and benefits of
- QA at the level of the department/faculty/university
- Dr. A. Hanifi focuses on the necessity of applying a professional approach to language teaching so as to provide graduates with the full range of capabilities and skills to meet the needs and the requirements of the job market.
- Dr. F. Boukhlef enriched the conference with a communication on Skills Required to Promote Translating Ability in the Digital Era
Besides the plenary conferences, workshops were also held around
- Pedagogy Enhancement through Quality Assurance
- Teaching Learning Environment/ Virtual Learning Environment
- Evaluation and innovation in Higher Education
- Higher Education, Engine of Change, Economic and Social Progress
- Mission of Higher Education
We certainly hope that the conference has been all that you expected it to be, and that you have taken the opportunity to make new friends and renew old acquaintances. We also thank you for your participation, and the sharing of your ideas and expertise.
The Chair of the Research Laboratory: Dr. L.K.M.B